Christmas '99


We finally got our Christmas tree and decorations up. We still have the outside lights to do. We ordered something called "LightCicles". They are supposed to look like ice cycles once they are put up. Sounds really beautiful, right?! Well, we were expecting a long wire strand with 3-9 light strands dangling off every couple of inches or so. What we got was a long, continuous strand of white lights that you loop through the bracket that came with the set. Needless to say, we were a little disappointed. I am sure we will find what we want one day. I guess shopping the 'net is not entirely the greatest thing. But, it is so much better than what we have here.

Our tree is up. All we have to do is pull it out of the box--as is--rearrange the branches and make sure the lights work. It's a 2 foot tall permanent tree. It's perfect for the two of us. Quick, simple and beautiful. Once we start our family, that's when we will buy a big Christmas tree to sit next to our little one.


We have a tradition for Christmas. Every year we get that year's ornament. We usually put the ornaments on the tree but after 10 years, all the ornaments are getting too heavy for our tiny tree. So, this year we bought a couple of wall hangers to put our ornaments on. Now, only the current year's ornament is on the tree. For some reason we are missing our 1991 year ornament. I wouldn't put it past the movers to have lost it during our move here. The other tradition I want to start is for Thanksgiving. I want to find a nice white, or off-white, table cloth and each person, whom ever is over for Thanksgiving, writes what they are thankful for that year. However, I have been unable to find a simple cloth tablecloth over here. The Germans have such elaborate ones that are expensive. And, then, the only ones I find in the PX are the vinyl or paper ones. So, I guess I will wait until I get back to the states to start that tradition.