This is one side of the pathway where the hut stood. Each marker
represents 1 hut where the prisoners lived. The buildings had to be torn down due to
health code reasons. They did, however, rebuild just one building that gave a
representation of the living conditions the prisoners had to endure. Something, I hope
will never happen again.
These were the fumigation chambers they
made new prisoners walk through upon arrival. This was supposed to de-louse and kill any
bugs and bacteria.
Here were the original "ovens" in the crematorium. I have been
told that the prisoners were hanged just 5 feet in front of these racks and then placed on
the stretcher to be cremated. In one of these you saw a rose placed on the stretcher in
"May the example of those who were
exterminated here between 1933-1945 because they resisted Nazism help to unite the living
for the defense of peace and freedom and in respect for their fellow men."
"Ashes of the unknown concentration
camp prisoner."
Want to read
more about the liberation of Dachau, first hand?