Where Roots and Branches Collide

The Dement and Claypool Family

We stretch out our branches and touch many other trees in our lifetime. In the far future it is not unfathomable to see the branches connecting to form one world tree. But did you realize that the roots of a tree go deeper than it's branches. We could all be connected in one manner or form already. It just takes time and a lot of digging to unearth those roots and see just how they entwine themselves.

This site is dedicated to doing just that in the little section of our two trees--The Dements and The Claypools. From here it is an intricate labyrinth we are trying to unwind. It is rather hard to decipher who should be a branch, a trunk, or a root when each of us can be interchanged with a flip of a page. So, take this as the working document that it is, and use it any way you can in your own personal research.

Current Names actively being researched:
Claypool, Dement, Murphy, Roberts, Redding, Dunnavant, Haskell, Reith, Bero, Docs, Miller, Harman, Doerr, Mercer, Wingfield, Metcalfe

If you need any assistance that we can offer, please do not hesitate to email us. We will be happy to assist. However, take note, if there is a fee that we shall incur during our research for you, we may have to pass it on to you.

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