Where Roots
and Branches Collide
The Beros and the Docs Family
Jamie's Paternal Grandmother's family is Hungarian Gypsy. Her Grandmother's
maiden name is Irene Bero. Irene's father's name is Gilbert Bero who married a
Judith Docs. This is my brick wall at the moment.
So far I have been most successful with Judith Docs. I have learned that in
Hungarian, "J" and "Y" are interchangeable. And Hungarians do not have the "th"
combination. So her name, very well could have been Judit or Yudit. Now, I have
found a 1920 US Census that references a "Yucsi", as well as the Ellis Island
Passenger Documents for this family from Dombrad Hungary, and I am trying to
find out if "Yucsi/Jucsi" is a diminutive of Yudit. If it is and I can prove it,
then I will have Judith's parent's names.
Unfortunately, Gilbert Bero is proving very hard to track down. He emigrated
from Hungary in 1903 according to the 1910 US Census I found. However, I have
been unsuccessful in locating his arrival documents. I found from his
World War I Registration card
that he was born in Szekely, Szabolcs, Hungary. I have also not come across
anything that mentions his parents names.
Current Names actively being researched:
Claypool, Dement, Murphy, Roberts, Redding, Dunnavant, Haskell, Reith, Bero,
Docs, Miller, Harman, Doerr, Mercer, Wingfield,
If you have any corrections, additions,
deletions--please don't hesitate to contact us! We are always grateful for
the wealth and sharing of knowledge.
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