Where Roots
and Branches Collide
The Dement Family
Descendants of Pierre Du Gua
1 Pierre Du Gua
......... 2 John Dement
............... +Honour Trent
.................... 3 Jonathan Dement
.......................... +Elizabeth Gilbert
............................... 4 Charles Dement 1681 -
...................................... +Sarah Meers 1681 -
........................................... 5 John Dement 1724 - 1771
...................................................... 6 John Dement
...................................................... 6 James Dement 1765 -
................................................. +Sarah Finley 1718 -
...................................................... 6 Charles Dement 1740
- 1820
............................................................ +Selah Thomas
1728 - 1799
................................................................. 7 Cader
Dement 1777 - 1849
+Agnes Smith Douglas 1780 - 1821
8 George Washington Dement 1805 - 1856
+Nancy Levina 1811 - 1856
9 Cader Dement 1830 - 1918
*2nd Wife of Cader Dement:
+Mary Ann W. Smith 1830 - 1884
10 John L Dement 1857 -
11 George Dement 1899 -
+Sarah Haskell 1859 -
11 Haskell (Hascal) W Dement 1882 - 1962
+Cora Mae Redding Dunnavant 1891 - 1985
12 Clayton Dement 1919 - 1988
+Hermie Elaine Murphy 1920 - 2003
13 Cheryl Ann Dement 1953 -
+James Kenneth Roberts 1949 - 2001
14 Anthony North Dement 1969 -
+Jamie Sue Claypool 1969 -
15 Joshua Allen Dement 2002 -
*2nd Husband of Cheryl Ann Dement:
+Kelly Dale King 1949 -
14 Zachary Dale King 1978 -
+Hannah S Contino 1979 -
*2nd Wife of Zachary Dale King:
+Hollie Noelle Mason
14 Garrett Spencer King 1972 -
*3rd Husband of Cheryl Ann Dement:
+Steven H VanArsdale 1957 -
14 Shannon Marie Van Arsdale 1985 -
14 Steven Curtis Van Arsdale 1987 -
13 Michael Clay Dement 1948 -
+Sharon Kay Dement 1956 -
14 Ian Dement 1977 -
12 Violet Hartense Dement 1922 -
+Everett L Moore 1914 - 2005
13 Betty June Moore 1951 -
+Larry Thompson
14 Damon Larran Thompson 1973 -
15 Haley Elizabeth Thompson 1995 -
15 Katy Caroline Thompson 1999 -
13 Peggy Moore
13 Carolyne Moore
12 Bob G Dement 1932 -
+Cloyce V Dement 1938 -
13 Robert Allen Dement
13 Perry Dement
12 George Dement - 1972
+Grace Davidson 1904 - 1995
13 Shirley Jean Dement
+Morris Gene Moore
13 Irl Dement
12 Betty Susan Dement 1928 -
12 Haskell W Dement 1924 - 2004
13 Gary R Dement 1956 -
+Kay Sellers 1964 -
12 Neoma E Dement 1912 -
12 Willard S Dement 1916 -
11 Rena Dement 1882 -
*2nd Wife of John L Dement:
+Sara Cookston 1889 -
*3rd Wife of John L Dement:
+Bertha Askins
10 Nancy H Dement 1853 -
10 Andrew James J. Dement 1855 -
10 Phoebe Dement 1864 - 1875
10 William A. Dement 1860 - 1914
10 Samuel P. Dement 1861 - 1882
10 George Washington Dement 1851 - 1921
*3rd Wife of Cader Dement:
+Nancy E. Crews
9 William Thomas Dement 1832 - 1917
9 Mary Ann Dement 1841 -
9 Elizabeth C. Dement 1836 -
9 John S. Dement 1834 -
9 James Wesley Dement 1831 - 1874
9 George Washington Dement 1851 - 1921
9 Nancy L. Dement 1843 -
9 George Washington C. Dement 1851 - 1921
9 Samuel M. Dement 1839 -
8 James Dement 1800 -
8 Abraham Smith Dement 1801 - 1848
8 Allen Dement 1802 -
8 Edward T. Dement 1803 - 1844
8 Charlotte (Lottie) Dement 1807 - 1847
8 John B. Dement 1809 -
8 Charles M. Dement 1810 - 1848
8 Elizabeth (Betsy) Dement 1812 -
................................................................. *2nd Wife
of Cader Dement:
+Mary M. Andrews 1777 -
................................................................. *3rd Wife
of Cader Dement:
+Frances (Frankie) Hall 1780 -
................................................................. 7 Charles
Gilbert Dement Jr 1763 - 1844
+Frances Harris 1780 - 1850
8 Reuben Dement 1802 -
+Syne Glenn
8 Mary Dement
8 David Dement 1824 -
8 Benjamin Dement
8 Thomas M Dement 1824 -
8 Charles Dement
8 Lural Dement
8 Robert H Dement 1816 -
................................................................. 7 Abner
Dement 1760 - 1825
+Sally Shaw 1765 -
................................................................. *2nd Wife
of Abner Dement:
+Elizabeth 1765 -
................................................................. *3rd Wife
of Abner Dement:
+Polly Douglas 1765 -
................................................................. 7 Clarissa
Edwards Dement 1762 -
+William Showlders
................................................................. 7 Milberry
Dement 1786 - 1854
+Samuel McReynolds
................................................................. 7 Thomas M
Dement 1787 -
................................................................. 7 David
Dement 1780 - 1819
................................................................. 7 James
Mosley Dement 1795 - 1840
+Susannah Byrd 1800 -
................................................................. 7 John H
Dement 1797 - 1848
+Celia W Lowe 1800 - 1852
...................................................... *2nd Wife of Charles
............................................................ +Sancha
If you have any corrections, additions,
deletions--please don't hesitate to contact us! We are always grateful for
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