Where Roots
and Branches Collide
The Dement and Claypool Family
Current Names actively being researched:
Claypool, Dement, Murphy, Roberts, Redding, Dunnavant, Haskell, Reith, Bero,
Docs, Miller, Harman, Doerr, Mercer, Wingfield,
Current Books we own:
- The Claypoole Family, compiled by Samuel B Claypoole, Jr.
- The Claypool Family In America, Volumes 1-5, Evelyn Claypoole
Wish List:
- Genealogy of the Claypoole Family in Philadelphia, Rebecca Irwin
Vanuxen Graff
- DEMENTS THROUGH THE AGES, A Family History and Migration, Marilyn
If you have any corrections, additions,
deletions--please don't hesitate to contact us! We are always grateful for
the wealth and sharing of knowledge.
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