Where Roots and Branches Collide

The Dement Family

Anthony holds his mother's maiden name, Dement. We have been able to trace down through the internet and through distant relatives the Dement family line and have found some rather interesting things. But we have currently hit a stone wall in Bertie, North Carolina in 1740 where we cannot trace further at the moment--the records stop there for us. We have seen stories that the Dements are decedents of the French Huguenots but have been unable to substantiate these stories with documentation. One online family tree states lineage of Charles Dement going back to his grand father Charles Dement of Rochell, France who was the grandson of Pierre Du Gua, Sieur De Monts who founded and settled in Acadia. After speaking with Gary Dement on 18 May 2006, Anthony's first cousin once removed, he has confirmed the fact we did descend from the Du Guas, De Monts of France and that we were from minor royalty. The De Mont was a title in the middle ages and since the majority of royalty was Roman Catholic, the De Monts had to flee France because of their Calvinistic practices. They became the French Huguenots. Check out the Descendant Chart follows. I've also included a genealogy report but left certain things private for living individuals. 

If you have any corrections, additions, deletions--please don't hesitate to contact us! We are always grateful for the wealth and sharing of knowledge.

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